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About Reincarnated Therapy Services

Origins of Reincarnated Therapy Services

Dr. Jonathan Harold served seven years in the Navy. For four of those seven years, he lived in Japan. Living in Japan was a place that was busy, but it was also a culture were others were highly considerate of the people around them.
Besides the amazing food, Japan is a place that is rich with history and culture. Japan's traditional religious practices are related to Shinto and Buddhism. While living there, I had a chance to visit multiple Buddhist statues and sanctuaries where people went to pray and pay rest to their past.
While living in Japan, I also had a chance to study world religions, in this course, the concept of reincarnation repeatedly showed up in the text. When it comes to Hinduism and Buddhism, both of these religions make space for the idea of reincarnation.
Fast forward to a few years later where I returned home and begin offering first counseling therapy to clients, I instantly learned that often times that after a few counseling sessions, people went feelings of hopelessness to feeling reinvigorated to solve and address the problems with their lives. 
As I have moved along further in my training, in most cases, I continue to see my clients become reenergized in a short period of time. I remember working with a previous client, Ted, he struggled with feelings of shame in reference to a mistake he made 20 years ago. Together we engaged in strategies that helped him to rediscover his path, passion, and peace. After working with Ted, I seen a brand new person that radiated confidence and he suddenly had a better understanding of his path. It was as though the Ted that I had met eight weeks prior was suddenly reincarnated and he was living a life that was much more inline with his values. ' Our message at Reincarnated Therapy Services is quite simple, You Deserve Peace! At Reincarnated Therapy Services, we believe that if we work together, you can find a path to that peace. The tools we use are well researched and surprising you will find that many of the strategies that we use have some influence from Buddhist practices. We utilize treatment strategies from Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Solution Focused Therapy, and Existential Therapy.

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